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Silly Snow Days

 So, it’s threatening to become a common situation: a major snow storm has you stuck on campus on a snow day - without electricity, without WiFi … without NETFLIX. What are you supposed to spend your day doing now?! Believe it or not, there was a time when people curled up with a good book when the weather
kept them indoors (shocking, I know). While you may think the library is made up entirely of the BIB REF section, there are a lot of resources here that will help you replicate that TV watching experience as best as possible. With a little imagination you’ll forget you’re not watching the real deal. Here’s some suggestions for stocking up before the next storm:

If you watch NEW GIRL: Jess Day is probably the best teacher, ever. Submerse yourself in the kind of whimsicality that she would enjoy by visiting the children’s section on the library mezzanine floor. For the best picture books, try Caldecott award winners, which have their own section. For a heavier read, try Harry Potter (how have you all gone without them for so long?!)

If you watch THE OFFICE: Remember when Michael Scott started his own paper company? Oh, what fun… Some of the library’s books on entrepreneurship and marketing are really entertaining (okay, they lean more towards educational, but can’t earning money be fun, too?) 

If you watch PARKS AND REC, or situation comedy/parody: The library has a great little section of parody fiction, humorous quotes, and joke books. Try browsing call numbers PN 1647 - PN 6261.

If you watch ANIME: Right under that comedy section are a few books on comics and manga art. 

If you watch GOSSIP GIRL, UGLY BETTY, or CARRIE DIARIES:  If New York socialites are your thing, try “The Age of Innocence” by Edith Wharton or “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  Bonus - “The Great Gatsby” is really, really short.

If you watch SUPERHEROES: Try “God on the Streets of Gotham” by Paul Asay, or any of the books based on movies in that section.

If you watch THE MINDY PROJECT: One of Mindy’s trademarks is her love of pop culture, but remember Mindy’s pastor fiancé, Casey? Explore how pop culture meets the church in books such as “Pop Culture Wars” by William D. Romanowski, or “Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns” by T. David Gordon. Or… you could always mosey over to the BIB REF section? Hey, I guess it’s not that bad after all.

~Christine Fitzpatrick


Are human actions actually free, are they determined by God to do what he wants, or is the answer somewhere in the middle? This question of freedom came to me during a difficult final I was taking. As I sat there in that final I felt that all of my studying was for not and I was most likely going to receive a low mark anyway so why keep trying. I considered just closing up the final, handing it in, and hoping that I would just pass the class. Be assured however that I did not do this I pressed on and finished that final. However it did make me think about freedom and why God chose to give us this freedom. I think that because I wrestled with the aforementioned dilemma it is obvious that we do have freedom in some form. 

With the freedom that we have what should we do? There is both good and bad that can come from having freedom. Most of the time there is many options that we choose on a daily basis but all of the options usually boil down to two main conclusion, good or bad. In my final the good outcome was to continue, and the bad decision was to give up. The majority of the time the good outcome will be a harder outcome to go after in decisions that are important. This is where perseverance comes in. Perseverance is defined as steadfastness in completing a task despite any difficulty or length of time in achieving success. To me this embodies the college life experience, because it is a great length of time and a very hard task to complete. As Christians we need to persevere also and not be lackadaisical in life. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” As men and women of Christ perseverance is a must because we are not ourselves but we are Christ. 

In closing, since we are free as Christians we must choose the life of perseverance daily not just a once in a while when it counts kind of thing, but a lifestyle of decisions that are hard and for the benefit of God. In college there is plenty of options to pick with good and bad consequences such as; to skip class just because I have skips to use, to not complete an assignment or not do it on time, to not study, to give up, to drop out, and many more that will lead to destruction of your college career. What you should do is when hard decisions come face them and pull through. Create a schedule to study and do homework so you don’t find yourself awake at four in the morning finishing a paper due at eight. Use your personal discernment and don’t bite off more than you can chew. All in all, use the freedom that God has placed upon you to do everything in a way which glorifies him, is beneficial to you, and causes something great in return.

~Jeff Simpson~

Munching in the Library

The library is a place for some serious studying, which occasionally produces the heavy desire to munch and crunch. There is a sign that remind folks not to go up or down the stairs with the intentions to eat food. The library is a great place to practice integrity, so please do not ignore the sign and feed the gobble monster in your tummy that likes to scratch at your insides. If you feel as though you cannot resist, walk quickly to the lobby near the front desk and munch there for some time. Why do we ask for such a difficult request? The library has many lovely books that help many people. Some books are older than most students, if not all. We try our best to keep these books clean and stainless, so the farther they are from food the better.

The sensational smells that enter the library with patrons are not only a dead giveaway of your belongings, but they also serve as distractions to other focused students. Aromas provide different therapies for people, and the aroma of food is like a lovely poison, stimulating the brain to think the body needs food, and thus other people might feel the sudden urge to eat as well, and they lose that God given grace to focus. Please think of others and the beautiful essence of the library.

Thank You

Dominique Delva

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