We had a mission’s week, and I think many students heard His calling to the mission field. Some may go for a short-term mission, and some may go for a long-time.
I’ve been here for almost 3 years since I came from Japan in 2007. So, I can say that traveling overseas and living in a foreign country are totally different things! I had traveled the US more than 10 times before, but once I started living here…I was shocked by so many things. I felt myself as a little girl and so many times I thought “why did I come here? Why did God send me to the US?”
I still think that Japan and the US have many commonalities like the way of living, but I also experienced many differences (yes, it is called “culture shock”)…and of course, language barrier is very big (still for me, so many struggles…). Therefore, I really recommend you to read good books before going to your mission field! The Library has many books which were written by the missionaries who served Christ and the people in foreign countries. These testimonies are so powerful that you can prepare for your mission. I read some of them, written by the missionaries who were working in Japan, and their insights were really interesting. “Hyakubun-wa-ikkenni-shikazu” …this is a Japanese proverb which means “Seeing it gives you stronger impact than hearing it 100 times.” (Maybe “Seeing is Believing” is similar proverb in English.) But, still to know from the books and the testimonies helps you a lot. Plus, I recommend you to have some good books with you when you go to your mission field; especially if you go to non-English speaking country…you should have any books written in English! These must comfort you a lot.
Someone told me that people will be depressed and homesick 3 days, 3weeks, and 3 months after moving to a foreign country. I don’t know why, but these really happened to me! 3 years after…I haven’t experienced yet…but, hope I will be alright then.
Today is Ash Wednesday. It is not a day that is observed by the evangelical community, but perhaps it should be. The following entry can be found in Oxford Reference.
Ash Wednesday. The first day of Lent, six and a half weeks before Easter. This was symbolized by the imposition of ashes, in token of mourning and penitence, upon the heads of clergy and people, a rite still ordered for AshWednesday in the Roman Missal. In the American Books of 1929 and 1979 AshWednesday is mentioned as a special fast-day (with Good Friday), and in the Scottish Book of 1929 it is named (together with the six days before Easter) a ‘Greater Fast’.
"Ash Wednesday" The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Ed F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Philadelphia Biblical University. 17 February 2010
T.S. Eliot also wrote a poem to commemorate Ash Wednesday it can be found here. Or for a modern interpretation you can read an article by Ryan Hamm.
We hope all of the students and staff enjoyed their 2 consecutive snow days. I do not believe I have experienced 2 snow days quite like these (and I have been here since 2001). I hope you all had some rest and were able to catch up on your work.
We also wish to thank all of the participants of the Poetry and Art Contest. We received a number of entries which are currently being judged. Please look out for them as we will be placing them on display shortly.
Enjoy the snow!
This week is the due date for the Art and Poetry competition. We have a number of submissions and are excited by the work we have seen. With that subject in mind I wanted to introduce you to Camio or Catalog of Art Museum Images Online.
This collection has a number of images that can be used in your studies, whether you need a piece of art to critique for Prof. Ebersole's Lit and Art's class or you are trying to jazz up your powerpoint presentation for Prof. Ferner you can find thousands of images of art from around the world. One of the best aspects of this database is that when you have to cite an image the information will be available.
For more information on resources for art and architecture click here.