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Seven reasons to go to Homecoming

As October looms on the horizon, the whispers and rumors of Homecoming start flying through the campus. Days of Homecomings past are remembered fondly for most, perhaps not so fondly for some, but all with a recollection of the excitement and energy that whizzes through the college. For some of us, this will be one more Homecoming to add to the several that we've already been to. Some might think, 'why bother going? Been there, done that!'. But I'm here to give you seven awesome reasons as to why you should gear up and attend Homecoming 2014 with gusto!
1. The Tenth Avenue North concert.
Tenth Avenue North is a totally awesome band, and anyone that's into Christian music will most likely agree with that statement. My personal favorite is 'Hold My Heart', and I've got a ticket purchased and fingers crossed that they will play the song at the concert! Tickets are only ten dollars for students, an incredible discount! Student Life has all the steps you need to get a ticket of your own, as well as one for any family or friends that you would love to jam out to!
2. Athletics.
For sports fans all through campus, there's plenty of opportunity to go out and support our fellow Highlanders all throughout the day! From soccer, to volleyball, to baseball and more, Cairn has athletic games happening all throughout the day! Grab a buddy, bring a soda and go cheer on your fellow classmates!
3. The Walkway Fair.
In my opinion, this is one of the biggest events of Homecoming. The giant and awesome fair that happens on and around the walkway goes from 11am to 4pm, and has everything from a giant ferris wheel to a rock wall and more! Delicious goodies and fun games abound throughout the fair, and it's the best chance to grab your group of friends and wander around, having a blast and creating memories that will last a lifetime!
4. Discussion Panels.
For those of you who have an intense desire for learning and really want some enduring questions to struggle with, these discussion panels are for you. For the first panel, Dr. Jonathan Master will be interviewing three of our very own professors, Dr. Marti MacCullough, Dr. John Master, and Dr. Bob Wenger! They'll be questioned about their experiences with Cairn, their faith, and more! You can even submit your own interview questions by followingthis link! 
The second discussion panel focuses on Cairn's outreach to urban areas and cities. Especially if you're in a relevant major, this will be a panel you will want to be at. Cairn alumni are already out and about making a difference in the urban world, and this is your chance to see how! By following the above link, you can submit questions for this interview as well!
5. Build-A-Boat.
Build-A-Boat is a fantastically fun event to attend, especially if you don't want to suffer the wet fate of the riders yourself. All the laughter, all the fun, and none of the mess! Get together with friends at the pond to watch as racers try to paddle their home-made boats across the pond to get the golden oar! We've had boats made from plastic play house doors, plastic tubes, wood planks, and more! You will laugh, grin and cheer as the racers paddle and flounder in their quest for the golden oar!
6. Historical Tours of Cairn.
For alumni and current students alike, the multiple tours and historic memorabilia that are on display are really intriguing and exciting to see. Especially as we start fresh, having just passed the blessing of our centennial year, it is amazing to see all that has passed in one hundred years and gaze at all the work that God has done in our very own college. For me, I always enjoy seeing were we have come from, and look forward to where we are heading next.
7. Arts@cairn.
As one of the final events in the evening, this is a great opportunity to cool down and relax after such a busy and exciting day. Pre-registration is necessary for the event, but it's easy, online and free! People will gather in the lower BLC to have an artist reception with Victor Atkins. It's a wonderful chance to get to meet with the artist, admire his works and delve into the mind of the one that created such beautiful art. It's an exciting chance to get to know the 'how and why' of his creations. There is always a meaning and intention behind a piece of art, and this is your chance to learn directly from the artist what his intentions were!

As you can see, Homecoming 2014 is going to be a blast. It's a wonderful time to enjoy family and friends, and it's the chance to really rejoice with the community that God has provided us with. I wouldn't miss this for the world! I know I'll be going, and I hope you will be too!
For a full time schedule and preregistration forms, check out this link!  There's so much more that I didn't list, so take a look and start making your own list of what you want to see and do! Hope to see you on October 4th!


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